Khoa relocates to a new school, where he joins the Vo Ta club and becomes enamored with Khanh Trang, the beautiful martial arts girl whom has many admirers. As he follows the course of his heart, trouble seems to find him wherever he goes.
9.0 喋血杀机
2024 动作简介:影片主角马丁,一位神秘而勇敢的人物,在充满未知的世界中展开了一场惊心动魄的冒险。马丁不知因何原因陷入了一个复杂的困境之中,他一方面努力探寻自己的真实身份,试图解开过去的谜团。另一方面,他发现自己身处的世界暗流涌动,国内的黑市商人与恐怖分子相互勾结,谋划着一场足以给国家带来巨大灾难的大规模袭击。马丁毅然决然地踏上了阻止这场阴谋的征程。在这个过程中,他遭遇了无数的危险与挑战。敌人凶狠狡诈,不断给他设下陷阱和阻碍。然而,马丁凭借着顽强的意志、过人的智慧和非凡的勇气,一次次化险为夷。他穿梭于城市的大街小巷,深入危险的地下世界,与邪恶势力展开了一场场激烈的较量。在这个艰难的旅程中,马丁也逐渐发现了自己内心深处的力量和使命,他不仅仅是为了自己而战,更是为了国家的安宁和人民的幸福而奋斗。 -
3.0 女侦探司马楠之箱尸谜案
1.0 修复The Fix
6.0 曼谷战狼
9.0 怒劫运钞车
2.0 血与油
2024 动作简介:Colombian music icon Juanes plays Moisés, the eldest of three brothers plying this perilous trade and the linchpin of the operation, while Alberto Guerra delivers a compelling performance as Ulises, a man paralyzed by conflicting decisions and haunted by fear and grief. When Juan (Alejandro Speitzer) — the youngest of the brothers — is coerced into working for a more powerful, rival criminal organization, the shocking underbelly of the business is laid bare and there are tragic consequences.