素攀武里府,曼谷王朝116年即佛历2441年,第五代国王统治时期,侯爵Suradech Maidree将他所有财产包括侍从和奴隶都传给了他唯一的儿子Pitak男爵(Por饰),并在弥留之际叮嘱Pitak要做一个正直的好人,Pitak答应并发誓会正直,这时天空电闪雷鸣,像是在为他的誓言做见证,Suradech侯爵见此情景便安详的去世,但侯爵的妻子Manee夫人却暗自焦急,因为她清楚的知道其实儿子Pitak是一个游手好闲、贪图享乐的人,只是过去一直畏惧于父亲的威严而不敢放肆。正如Manee夫人所担心的,在Suradech侯爵的葬礼结束后不久,Pitak便放浪形骸,无恶不作,甚至不听Manee夫人的劝告私吞政府公款。这一切都被僧人Mun大师瞧在眼里,他曾经是Suradech侯爵所拥有的赌场中的一个奴隶,后来通过出家而赎了身。Mun大师试图点醒Pitak,因...
3.0 末世佳肴
4.0 泰剧彩虹
6.0 花中寻凶:死亡与鲜花
1.0 小莲和阿宽
8.0 骗骗大小姐
4.0 最后的时光
2025 泰国简介: Ryu is a skilled young writer who has a girlfriend, Pin, who he's dated since high school. They love each other and plan to marry. But perhaps because of Ryu's fate, he loses her forever in a car accident. Ryu blames himself. He withdraws and starts leaning on alcohol. With the arrival of Arm, the grandson of the owner of the company where Ryu works, and their gradual relationship, Ryu's world begins to brighten again. When Ryu finds out that he has cancer and may not have long to live, Arm goes all in caring for him and the two decide to live together. However, the world is always cruel. When Arm and Ryu learn the truth of something that tears them apart, Ryu disappears from Arm's life. Arm tries every means to find Ryu without any luck, until finally, Arm gets a box. This box contains all the answers.