DC党派主席Aldo Moro是该协议的主要支持者。
1978 年 3 月 16 日,就在新政府举办成立仪式的当天,Aldo Moro在一次伏击中被绑架。
他被扣押了长达55天,这也意味着55天的希望、恐惧、谈判、失败、善意和恶行。 55 天后,就在DC罗马总部和PCI总部的中途,他的尸体在一辆汽车后备箱中被发现。
8.0 甜豌豆第一季
5.0 大男人
4.0 暗夜情报员第二季
5.0 主要目标
2.0 警探维斯廷第四季
2024 欧美简介: The new season returns to Larvik on a seemingly idyllic summer evening at the Greenwood family. But the following morning, a hotel employee is found murdered, and a six-year-old British boy, Clifford Greenwood, has disappeared without a trace. The family receives a ransom demand and cryptic messages from the kidnapper, and when family secrets are revealed, Wisting suspects that there may be a personal motive behind the disappearance. There is also enormous international pressure on Wisting and the team to solve the murder and find the boy before it is too late. -
5.0 失忆医生