

类型: 科幻
导演: 黑泽清




童年时代随父亲移居远离大都会的飞古根岛,藤田浩市(佐藤健 饰)在那里结识了一生的恋人和淳美(绫濑遥 饰)。二人慢慢长大,结为夫妇。淳美以漫画家身份出道,身为女性的她却凭借各种猎奇杀人题材的作品而小有名气。可就在一年前的某日,淳美选择自杀,虽然侥幸挽回性命,但从此陷入深度昏迷中。为了探究妻子自杀的原因,浩市利用先进“Sensing”技术与淳美的意识联通。在对方的脑海里,他见到久违的妻子,而淳美则请求他找到童年时一副蛇颈龙的画。在此之后,虚幻与现实的界限逐渐模糊,浩市将发现意想不到的事实……   本片根据乾绿郎的同名科幻推理小说改编。


  • 楼兰传说:幽灵军队 6.0 楼兰传说:幽灵军队
    2021 科幻
    简介:  热血正义的考古青年吴天于沙漠中发现楼兰文物青铜琉璃镜,偶然与铜镜中楼兰圣女雅曼平行时空相遇,为守护楼兰文明国家宝藏,防止其落入外国盗墓者之手,两人共赴楼兰秘境天使之墓,并肩揭开千年神秘的“幽灵军队”传说秘密,一场斗志斗勇的楼兰冒险之旅拉开帷幕。
  • 51区 4.0 51区
    2015 科幻
    简介:  今年秋季一部《午夜灵异录像》(Paranormal Activity)以一万多美元的超低成本在北美取得了一亿多美元的票房回报,让人啧啧称奇。眼下该片导演Oren Peli已经和派拉蒙公司再度签约,将让他们继续来发行自己的新片《51区》(Area 51)。  和《午夜灵异录像》一样,《51区》也是超自然惊悚片,不过其成本已经大幅攀升到了500万美元,尽管和别的影片比起来仍然属于低成本,但这已经是其前作成本的百倍了。《51区》讲述的是3个青少年受好奇心驱使溜进了位于美国内华达沙漠内利斯空军基地俗称51区的地方,外界盛传美国军方在这里掩盖了外星人存在的证据。  据透露,派拉蒙是在前不久的美国电影市场展会上达成这一协议的,他们将联合Incentive电影娱乐公司和Aramid娱乐公司,为这部《51区》及可能的续集提供高达七位数的拍摄资金。目前《51区》已经拍摄完毕,正在进行后期制作,预计明年就能和观众见面。另外,完成该片后导演Oren Peli还将为派拉蒙制作《午夜灵异录像》的续集。
  • 尼斯湖怪 6.0 尼斯湖怪
    2008 科幻
    简介:  James Murphey (Brian Krause 饰)是个健壮的神秘动物学家,在去尼斯湖的途中遇见了传说中的尼斯湖水怪样的生物,它杀害了他父亲,并在他脸上留下了深刻的疤痕。20年后,James追捕尼斯湖水怪,来到了苏必利尔湖上的长矛岛的睡眠镇。他请了Josh Riley做他的导游,James和Josh对科学有共同的兴趣,而且都失去了父亲,所以成为了好朋友。James想让Josh的妈妈Karen Riley治安官相信那个60尺的蛇颈怪正在残害生灵。
  • 徘徊 9.0 徘徊
    2018 科幻
    简介:  HOVER takes place in the near future, where environmental strain has caused food shortages around the world. Technology provides a narrow path forward, with agricultural drones maximizing the yield from what land remains. Two compassionate care providers, Claudia (Coleman) and her mentor John (Craig muMs Grant), work to assist sick farmland inhabitants in ending their lives. After John dies under mysterious circumstances, a group of locals helps Claudia to uncover a deadly connection between the health of her clients and the technology they are using.
  • 外星入侵 1.0 外星入侵
    1999 科幻
  • 神秘岛 9.0 神秘岛
    1961 科幻
    简介:  During the US Civil War, Union POWs escape in a balloon and end up stranded on a South Pacific island, inhabited by giant plants and animals. They must use their ingenuity to survive the dangers, and to devise a way to return home. Sequel to '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea' . Written by Stewart M. Clamen <clamen@cs.cmu.edu>  In 1865, during the siege of Richmond, Virginia, the union soldiers POW Captain Harding, Neb and Herbert escape in a balloon during a storm with two confederate prisoners, Sergeant Pencroft and the journalist Spilett. The uncontrollable wind takes the balloon to a mysterious island in the South Pacific in the area of New Zealand. Captain Harding self-proclaims the leader of the group and they look for food; sooner they discover that they are stranded in an island. Further, they are attacked by a giant crab that becomes their first meal. Along the days, they build a shelter and finds that the island is inhabited by giant animals. A couple of days later, they find two castaways on the beach, the aristocratic Lady Mary Fairchild and her sexy niece Elena. Later they find a trunk with weapons and instruments like sextant and shelter with a journal of a man left alone in the island by pirates. When the pirate vessel arrives in the island, they are helped by Captain Nemo of the Nautilus, a submarine that had supposedly sunk in the coast of Mexico eight years ago. Nemo is famous as the man that tried to end strike among man. When the volcano begins activity, they need to leave the island to save their lives. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


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