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《幻术大师:角力者的坟墓[电影解说]》免费播放在线观看 - 星辰电影网


类型: 电影解说




A controversial artist is dead, apparently the victim of a botched robbery at his suburban estate. Take-no-prisoners journalist Maddie Magellan is unconvinced, and she casts her suspicions on the deceased's possessive wife and his frivolous mistress. But one was in her city office at the time of death, and the other was bound, gagged and blindfolded by the "robber". A chance meeting with Jonathan Creek, a famous illusionist's technical advisor, leads Maddie to believe that his "lateral mind" may allow him to see through the deceptions in the case, and she recruits the reluctant genius as her partner.


  • 马丁·伊登[电影解说] 1.0 马丁·伊登[电影解说]
    2019 电影解说
    简介:马丁(卢卡·马里内利 Luca Marinelli 饰)出生在贫穷的家庭之中,没有上过几年的学,如今和姐姐过着相依为命的日子,并且成为了一名终日漂泊在茫茫大海之上的水手。一天,马丁邂逅了名为爱莲娜(杰西卡·塞西 Jessica Cressy 饰)的千金大小姐,爱莲娜将法国诗人波德莱尔的诗集借给马丁看。马丁这辈子从来都没有看过这样的文字,一下子便被深深的吸引了,在海上漂泊的漫长时光里,他如饥似渴的吸收着这些知识,并且渐渐开始产生了自己写作的念头。                                                                      马丁失业了,借此机会,他决定正式走上写作的道路。他不断的投稿,又不断的遭遇退稿,唯一没有想过的就是放弃。最终,马丁的小说被出版了,这令他收获了无数的名誉和财富。
  • 恶灵苏玛拉[电影解说] 9.0 恶灵苏玛拉[电影解说]
    2024 电影解说
    简介:Sumala, a name that is feared by people in a village in Semarang Regency from the past until now. No one dares to go out when night falls because Sumala will come to kill.
  • 月嫂2010[电影解说] 9.0 月嫂2010[电影解说]
    2010 电影解说
    简介:已在东北黑土地扎根三十多年的上海知青江茂林(张秋歌 饰),得知母亲丁占菊(奚美娟 饰)病危的消息,和在当地娶的老婆牛丰收(倪萍 饰)匆匆赶回上海尽孝。然而这次行程充满艰辛,母亲自来便对这个东北媳妇颇有成见,假离婚的风波更是激化牛丰收和丈夫、婆婆的矛盾。江茂林的旧恋人白玉莲(叶童 饰)对他念念不忘,心存幻想,这也无形中令丰收颇多忌惮;而茂林弟弟、弟妹的琐事也让这个憨厚的东北女人不胜其扰。                                                                      此外,夫妻俩无论从时间和空间上,已与国际大都会有着万里之遥的差距。在这个已然很是陌生的城市里,他们该如何安放自己的人生……
  • 情定三生[电影解说] 5.0 情定三生[电影解说]
    2014 电影解说
    简介:故事发生在民国十一年,沈凌雪(杨蓉 饰)同父亲失散所念,音信了无,这一次,她和好姐妹吴翠翠(张萌 饰)一起,决心前往危险的金城寻父。一场意外之中,沈凌雪不幸受伤失去了记忆,而吴翠翠却误以为她已经丧命。好心的医馆掌柜收留了沈凌雪,并给她取了新的名字顾知夏。                                                                      那边厢,吴翠翠在偶然之中遇见了沈凌雪的亲生父亲沈虎(汤镇宗 饰),沈虎更是将吴翠翠误认成为了自己的女儿沈凌雪,就这样,吴翠翠在误打误撞之中成为了督军千金。沈凌雪爱上了迟家少爷迟瑞(朱一龙 饰),却在成亲当日被穷凶极恶的土匪头子向天(蒲巴甲 饰)掠走做压寨夫人。随着时间的推移,向天竟然真的爱上了勇敢正直的沈凌雪,然而,当沈凌雪从寨中逃脱后,却发现迟瑞已经娶了吴翠翠为妻。
  • 来自谁的启示[电影解说] 8.0 来自谁的启示[电影解说]
    2025 电影解说
  • 幻术大师:盒中的杰克[电影解说] 10.0 幻术大师:盒中的杰克[电影解说]
    1997 电影解说
    简介:Crusading journalist Maddie Magellan is instrumental in getting a man released from prison after serving nine years for a murder she believes he did not commit. The next day, the victim's widower apparently shoots himself after locking himself in his personal nuclear fall-out shelter. Investigators and engineers insist that no one could have gotten in or out of the shelter after the door was sealed. Yet those closest to the alleged suicide insist that his hands were so crippled with arthritis that he could not have run the bolts on the massive door, let alone pulled the trigger on a gun. Maddie coerces reluctant sleuth Jonathan Creek into investigating the case.


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