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《香巴拉》免费播放在线观看 - 星辰电影网


类型: 剧情




In a Himalayan polyandrous village, pregnant PEMA faces scrutiny as her husband vanishes. With her monk brother-in-law, her de facto spouse, she seeks him in the wild, unraveling her own self-discovery along the journey


  • 你燃烧了我 3.0 你燃烧了我
    2024 剧情
    简介:  Tú me abrasas is an adaptation of “Sea Foam”, a chapter from Cesare Pavese’s “Dialoghi con Leucò” published in 1947. The ancient Greek poet Sappho and the nymph Britomartis meet beside the sea and have a conversation about love and death. Sappho is said to have thrown herself into the ocean from lovesickness. Britomartis apparently tumbled off a cliff and into the water while fleeing from a man. Together, the two discuss the stories and images that have emerged around them to try and understand, at least for a moment, the bittersweet nature of desire. The film adapts not only the text but also footnotes and gaps in the story. For example, the fact that, in 1950, a desperate Pavese committed suicide in a hotel room with this book by his side. Or that Sappho’s poems have survived only in fragments. Or that sea foam is historically and scientifically associated with fertility and bacteria, that is, with life itself. “Everything dies in the sea and comes back to life,” says Britomartis. Tú me abrasas introduces new readings and translations that go beyond the myths by Pavese and Sappho.
  • 汉江之恋 1.0 汉江之恋
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    简介:  电影由汉中何振基创作的长篇小说《母亲河》改编而成,以小见大,通过“母亲河”汉江边上阳坝村里的几个年轻人的生活情感、迷惘挫折、成长的历程,展现了陕南人民在面对困难、贫穷时,在美丽乡村发展建设奔向富裕的过程中,改造自然并与自然环境和谐共生,进行可持续发展的艰苦卓绝的奋斗。
  • 穿越无尽的海洋前往月球 7.0 穿越无尽的海洋前往月球
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    简介:  夏日时光。一个三口之家,单身父亲巴比斯和他即将成年的双胞胎孩子康斯坦丁诺斯和艾尔莎,乘坐家庭小船前往波罗斯岛度假。在游泳、日光浴和结交新朋友的过程中,康斯坦丁诺斯和艾尔莎无意中遇到了他们的生母安娜,她在他们还是婴儿时就抛弃了他们。这次相遇将激起巴比斯心中长久以来的怨恨,为每个人带来一段苦乐参半的成长之旅。
  • 真实身份2024 10.0 真实身份2024
    2024 剧情
    简介:  本片改编自同名小说,讲述了镝木庆一作为一对夫妇被杀的杀人事件的嫌疑犯被捕,被判处死刑。他在移送过程中逃脱。镝木越狱的消息在电视等媒体上被大肆报道,警方虽然全力追查镝木的行踪,但仍未能抓到他。另一方面,事件受害者夫妇中丈夫的母亲井尾由子患有痴呆症,受到了事件的创伤,仍在护理机构进行疗养。镝木一边逃跑一边在躲藏的地方改变了名字和样子,他与施工现场的工作人员野野村和也等许多人相遇,并将他们从困境中解救出来。当野野村他们发现镝木是通缉中的死刑犯时,对于“他真的是杀人犯吗?”开始产生疑问。
  • 我的男友是性工作者 3.0 我的男友是性工作者
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    简介:  This romantic dramedy highlights the relationship between Ace, the influential Mendoza family's perfect son, and Gio, a gay porn content creator and sex worker. While they see themselves an ideal match, the uptight Mendoza matriarch Angelica doesn't seem to think so.
  • 海洋才是真正的大陆 3.0 海洋才是真正的大陆
    2023 剧情
    简介:  一对即将分离的情侣彼此取暖;一位老妇人沉浸在过往爱情岁月;一对玩伴畅想移民美国,成为职业棒球球员。在古巴内陆城市圣安东尼奥德洛斯巴尼奥斯,时间似乎停滞不前,三组人物构成的情感世界在这里流动、展开。意大利导演托马索·桑坦博吉奥在这部影片中倾诉自己对古巴社会中的爱情和离别的思考。影片中三组人物不仅是导演对过去(老妇人)、现在(恋人)、将来(玩伴)的真诚思考,同时也是他对古巴社会图景的再现。导演用海浪的声音凸显陆地与海洋的关系,并使用黑白影像来颠覆人们对五彩斑斓的古巴的认知。影片入围第80届威尼斯电影节“威尼斯日”平行单元。


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